Few things characteristic of Dominicans and Carmelites that we thought might be interesting to highlight The White Scapular. 

People sometimes ask us, anxiously, if we are wearing a brown scapular. This refers to the Carmelite brown scapular and its famous promise that those who wear it will be delivered from Purgatory by our Blessed Mother after they die.We usually smile and say, "No, but I am wearing a white scapular." 

”It's not the same,they insist. The brown scapular is the only one that can save you."

There's nothing wrong with wearing the brown scapular if it inspires you to lead a better life, go to Confession regularly, and have a devotion to Mary. But no mere scapular, white, brown, green, or any other color, is a Get Out Of Purgatory Free ticket. 

That being said, why do we wear a white scapular?

A scapular was originally a kind of work-apron, meant to guard the habit from wear and tear and stains. So when St. Dominic began founding the Dominic Order, he had his new followers wear a habit like his, which happened to be the habit of the Augustine canons the White Carmelite Friars just followed: a white habit with a white hood (capuce) and a belt, and shoes (sandals are permitted today).  So the White Carmelite Friars decided to keep the White Scapular for their Order. 

The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Scapular. 

This is a gift our Blessed Mother lovingly gave the Carmelite Order in 1251, when it was facing a painful crisis. It was accompanied by a promise of protection and symbolized her motherly care.

The Church has since extended the graces that come with the Scapular to all who wear it with faith and love while fulfilling the condition inherent in the promise.

The promise is that of salvation (“He who dies wearing the Scapular shall not suffer the fires of hell.”). This means our Blessed Mother will help us so that what Our Lord has given us so bounteously through His incarnation, life, passion, death and resurrection will be truly ours – life as children of His Father, as His brothers and sisters, members of His mystical body: life in its fullness without end!

The condition is nothing else but what our Lord asks of us: to live as true children of God, as loving brothers and sisters to one another, faithful to His Gospel teaching as we fulfill the daily duties of our state of life. It also calls for sensitivity to His will for us, loyalty to His Church, and a loving willingness to cooperate with His commands.

So the Scapular is not an “extra” in our Christian life. Jesus made Mary our Mother when He hung dying on the Cross. She fulfills that role by bringing us to Him; by helping us to do whatever He tells us.

Make the wearing of your Scapular a prayer – by often remembering that it is an act of Mary giving Jesus to you; it is you, responding with your love, your faithfulness.

Let the love of Jesus and Mary that it brings to mind be your strength and comfort in your problems, difficulties and temptations.

Let it also enhance all the joys that the Lord daily gives you.

Let it be an act of gratitude to God and our Blessed Mother for all the blessings of your life.